There are many opportunities for members to volunteer during the worship service. These functions support and enhance worship in the Lutheran tradition.
Acolytes: Youth and adults carry the processional cross, light and extinguish candles, accept the offering plates, and assist with collection of communion cups.
Children's Message: An adult or older youth shares an age-appropriate gospel message with the children present in church on Sunday, if children are present. The message is presented just before the sermon and is aligned with the liturgy of the day. Adult members and guests often participate, as well.
Choir: Calvary considers everyone present in church as a member of the choir. Additionally, on special occasions, solos by individuals and groups of members prepare music selections to enhance the services, such as services during Christmas and Easter.
Communion Assistants: Members can sign up to step forward during communion to help with distribution.
Greeters: Members can sign up to greet everyone as they arrive to attend service on Sunday. They introduce themselves to guests, invite them to sign the Visitor Book, make sure they have a bulletin, and answer questions such as restroom location.
Liturgists: Members can sign up to assist the Pastor during service by chanting the Kyrie, leading the Prayers of the People, distributing communion, assisting with Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, as needed.
Music selection: Music is selected from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship and Worship & Praise hymnals. Every quarter a rotating couple of members assists Pastor with music selection.
Music Performance: Calvary has a pianist/organist and guitarist at regular services. Members are welcome to join as an instrumentalist.
Readers: Members volunteer to read the First Reading, a reading from Psalms, and the Second Reading.
Technology Assistants: Volunteers assist with recording Zoom services, livestreaming of services and posting sermons and recorded services on the website.
Ushers: Volunteers distribute bulletins at the entrance to the sanctuary, distribute and collect offering plates, and direct members from pews to communion.
A sign up sheet is located in the Narthex for members to select a date for service. The schedule of worship volunteers for each month is included in the monthly newsletter.
If you would like to volunteer for these activities please contact the office for more information at 325-944-1116 or use the sign up sheet in the Narthex.